All Classes and Interfaces

GraalVM-compatible implementation of JsonRpcServiceWrapper that takes a map of Methods in the constructor so that introspection can be done at static initialization time (which means during native image generation).
Result of OmniCore/BitCore getaddressbalance method.
Deserialize bitcoinj (family) addresses
For listaddressgroupings response Note: In the JSON response this is actually an array
Key Deserializer to support using Address as the key in a Map.
Address Request for BitCore getaddressbalance and others.
UTXO Info object from Bitcore/Omni getaddressutxos.
Result from Bitcore/Omni getaddressutxos.
Helper methods for creating asynchronous calls using CompletableFuture.
Subinterface of Supplier for Lambdas which throw IOException.
Error filter for resilient polling.
An abstract base class for JsonRpcClientTool that uses Apache Commons CLI
A template interface, implementations need only implement BaseTransactionSigner.keyForInput(TransactionInputData).
Will be removed in the next release.
Deterministic Keychain for BIP44 and related BIPs
Use KeyChainGroupStructure.BIP43 and constants in DeterministicKeyChain
JSON-RPC Client for Bitcoin Core.
Interface for tests that use a BitcoinExtendedClient
An attempt at cloning the bitcoin-cli tool, but using Java and bitcoinj.
Bitcoin configuration from bitcoin.conf First cut is just a map, but future versions may be strongly typed
Utility class with (extremely limited) parsing of bitcoin.conf
A BitcoinCurrencyProvider based on work in the javamoney-shelter.
Configuration record for the daemon.
Extended Bitcoin JSON-RPC Client with added convenience methods.
Initialize bitcoinj components, etc.
Standard Bitcoin JSON-RPC API RPCs.
Embryonic implementation of Bitcoin Core REST API.
Command-line options for tools that communicate with Bitcoin RPC
(Mostly) Immutable representation of BitcoinTransaction info JSON
Use record-style naming, rather than JavaBean naming, just for fun.
Bitcoin ZeroMQ topic names.
Utility to use Bitcoin Core JSON-RPC to find configured ZMQ notification ports.
Abstraction(s) to help reuse tests between RegTest mode and TestNet or MainNet RegTest mode implementation will generate blocks when waitForBlocks() is called.
POJO for `getblockchaininfo` RPC response.
Wait for synchronization with a reference source of block height.
Deserializes a hex string as a Bitcoin Block
BlockInfo POJO returned by GetBlockInfo
Test support functions intended to be mixed-in to Spock test specs
Interface for a Bitcoin JSON-RPC client that implements getchaintips.
Marker type for Publisher<ChainTip>.
A publisher of ChainTip
Holds all the results (status code, stdout, stderr) of a CLI command run by a test
JSON-RPC method parameter, parsed from the command-line.
Implementation for Invalid source strings
Functional interface for parsing a String to an Object possibly throwing an Exception.
Implementation for Valid objects
Parser for command-line JSON-RPC method and parameters
Support functions for testing command-line tools
Deserialize a numeric value to a bitcoinj Coin type.
Serialize a bitcoinj Coin type.
A Trust Manager that adds a second trust store (key store) to the default trust store.
Currency Pair using JavaMoney CurrencyUnit type
A strongly-typed, Jackson-based JSON-RPC client.
Functional interface for ignoring what are considered "transient" errors.
Functional interface for creating JsonRpcTransport instances.
Simple implementation of SigningRequest
Implementation of JsonRpcServiceWrapper that takes a delegate object in the constructor.
Demo of using bitcoinj DSL for JavaScript
Representation of a W3C DID Based on with some inspiration from OkHttp.HttpUrl and use of Java 8-style `.of()` methods.
Dummy so JavaDoc doesn't fail
Simple Echo JSON-RPC Service
Serialize (without private key)
A simple transaction signer using a single ECKey that can sign either ScriptType.P2PKH or ScriptType.P2WPKH transactions.
A partial implementation of an Ethereum RPC Client How to mine just a little for "reg test mode" in Eth: See also:
A Bech32 representation of a Bitcoin transaction output
Interface for transaction fee calculation.
A source of Bitcoin funds for testing In RegTest mode, it can be a RegTestFundingSource that mines coins in RegTest mode and sends them to a requesting address.
Interface for tests that use a FundingSource
JSON-RPC Command-line tool with logging support.
A "signing wallet" that uses a DeterministicKeyChain to sign SigningRequests.
Hex string to hex conversion utility class.
GraalVM-compatible support for using Java Logging.
JSON-RPC client interface.
JSON-RPC Client using HttpURLConnection formerly namedRpcClient.
Incubating JSON-RPC client using HttpClient
Map a response string to a Java object.
Create a REST endpoint from a JsonRpcService Here we're using Micronaut annotations to wrap the JsonRpcService in an HTTP environment and to serialize JSON to and from Java POJOs.
Create a REST endpoint from a JsonRpcService Here we're using Micronaut annotations to wrap the JsonRpcService in an HTTP environment and to serialize JSON to and from Java POJOs.
JSON-RPC Error Object POJO
Exception wrapper for JsonRpcError Useful in server implementations, throwing an error that will be transmitted to the client.
JSON RPC Exception
In the future this may be a superclass for JsonRpcRequest and JsonRpcResponse.
JSON-RPC Response POJO Note that result is a parameterized type and can be used to directly map JSON-RPC results to the correct type for each method.
Interface for an Asynchronous JSON-RPC Server/Service.
Interface and default methods for wrapping a Java class with JSON-RPC support.
JSON-RPC returned HTTP status other than 200 (and unfortunately also sometimes when their is response.error) Additional information is usually in JSON-RPC response TODO: See TODO in parent class JsonRpcException
Command-line options for JSON-RPC tool
Defines the interface for a network-layer implementation of a JSON-RPC client.
Accumulates the n largest slices of a stream of objects of type <E>.
Collector that collects the n objects containing the "largest slices" of an input stream of type <E>.
Represents a filtered subset of a collection or stream of objects.
An immutable implementation of LargestSliceList.
Response object for createwallet and loadwallet
Simple service and command-line tool that contains a "math" JsonRpcService Allows testing method dispatch independent of any server code or framework (including compiling with Graal `native-image` and running as a native tool with SubstrateVM)
An entry for a JSON-RPC method in a help response.
Subclass of WalletAppKitService that implements the stop JSON-RPC method using Micronaut ApplicationContextLifeCycle.stop()
Namecoin RPC client See:
Namecoin name data example format: [name:d/beelin, value:{"alias":""}, txid:5737868f7044ade9b0c04698c563955d9b49db841a4e575bc384873073b956ed, address:NAPwebo2VLvGdBFC4cHrLRPS6ZXPKddx9Z, expires_in:31874]
POJO for `getnetworkinfo` RPC response.
Simple command-line tool to do Namecoin name lookup
Bare minimum Namecoin support for creating Addresses on Namecoin MainNet.
If string is an integer (valid long) serialize as Number, else serialize as String
A source of exchange rate updates for a currency pair
Data class for Outpoint as used by RPC methods
Custom Serialization of bitcoinj Peer class
Implements ObservablePair using an exchange rate polling function and an interval
Use the PollingChainTipServiceImpl implementation
Provides ChainTipService a using a BitcoinClient and a polling interval.
RawTransaction POJO
This represents the data in signrawtransactionwithwallet.
Single-threaded RegTest testing environment.
FundingSource using RegTest mining, BitcoinExtendedClient (with getRegTestMiningAddress), and the server's default wallet for accumulating coins.
Interface for reactive rich list service
Jackson Module with serializers and deserializers for JSON-RPC clients.
Configuration class for JSON-RPC client.
Jackson Module with serializers and deserializers for JSON-RPC servers.
Interface with default connection information for Bitcoin JSON-RPC
A BitcoinClient enhanced with Reactive features.
Bitcoin Zmq binary service that connects to a single port.
Service to listen for ZMQ messages from multiple TCP ports.
Add conversion to bitcoinj-types to RxBitcoinZmqBinaryService.
For lower-level, higher-performance reactive subscriptions to blockchain data where we don't want the overhead of parsing (and instantiating as a tree of objects) each block or transaction.
Reactive Streams interface for subscribing to reactive blockchain data.
RxJava support for calling JSON-RPC clients.
Provide Reactive Publishers for PeerGroup information.
ZMQ Context with a single socket and one Processor<ZMsg> per topic.
Sample Bitcoin ZMQ client
ScriptRunner that places a JSON-RPC client and Bitcoin utility functions inside a script context so they can be called from JavaScript (currently Nashorn, but in the future this may be Graal Javascript)
Simple interface for sending signed "raw" transactions
POJO for `getinfo` RPC response.
Deserialize a hex string to a bitcoinj Sha256Hash type.
Serialize a bitcoinj Sha256Hash type.
A transaction signing request with immutable data specifying the transaction.
A wallet-level service that can complete and sign transactions.
Useful for testing.
Stupid simple fee calculator for testnet
Credentials to server under test.
Response format for Omni rich list queries.
Serialize a transaction as a hex-encoded binary string.
Everything needed to build your own custom transaction TODO: Make this an immutable bean
Immutable data for a transaction input.
Immutable aggregate of data for TransactionInput.
Raw, immutable data for a pay-to-address transaction output
Raw, immutable data for a transaction output
Raw, immutable data for an OP_RETURN transaction output
Custom Serialization of Transaction Peer class
A low-level transaction signing interface that can sign a SigningRequest that is a complete transaction that only needs signatures.
Utility for transaction validation
Result of `gettxout`
Result of `gettxoutsetinfo`
Service to return a stream of TxOutSetInfos for a given blockchain/client.
Sample command-line tool that subscribes to ChainTip and TxOutSetInfo
Response object for createwallet and loadwallet
Data class for UnspentOutput as returned by listUnspent RPC Because the class is immutable we have to give Jackson some hints via annotations.
UTXO info for transaction signing.
Bare minimum UTXO info: txId and index
UTXO with amount and scriptPubKey.
UTXO with "amount" which is necessary for signing a segwit transaction.
Interface for commonly-used UTXO information, for example the prevtxs parameter of the signrawtransactionwithwallet JSON-RPC request.
JSON-RPC wrapper for WalletAppKitService
Implement a subset of Bitcoin JSON RPC using a WalletAppKit
Transaction completion and signing service that uses a bitcoinj Wallet.
Utilities for integration testing server-side wallets
Detailed information about an in-wallet transaction (from gettransaction RPC)
Information about an active ZeroMQ notification.
Factory class for creating Publisher<ZMsg> from a ZMQ.Socket.