Class RpcClientModule

All Implemented Interfaces:
Versioned, Serializable

public class RpcClientModule extends SimpleModule
Jackson Module with serializers and deserializers for JSON-RPC clients.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RpcClientModule

      public RpcClientModule()
      Create a client module without strict address parsing.
    • RpcClientModule

      protected RpcClientModule(org.bitcoinj.base.Network network, boolean strictAddressParsing)
      network - Which network we are going to be a client for (may be null if strictAddressParsing is false)
      strictAddressParsing - set to true to throw exceptions when deserializing addresses that don't match network
    • RpcClientModule

      public RpcClientModule(org.bitcoinj.base.Network network)
      Create a client module with strict address parsing. Will throw exceptions when deserializing addresses that don't match network.
      network - Expected Network we are going to validate addresses for