Paragraph TBD.

1. Introduction to ConsensusJ

This section is TBD. For now the project README is the best place to get started.

2. JSON-RPC Clients

2.1. Generic

The module consensusj-jsonrpc contains JsonRpcClientHttpUrlConnection which is a generic JSON-RPC client.

2.2. Bitcoin

The module cj-btc-jsonrpc contains BitcoinClient and ExtendedBitcoinClient.

2.3. Class Diagrams

For some class diagrams see ConsensusJ JSON-RPC Inheritance.

3. Module Dependency Graphs

3.1. consensusj-rx-zeromq

This module is independent of the core JSON-RPC clients. It has no dependencies on bitcoinj, or anything cryptocurrency or JSON-RPC related.


3.2. Core JSON-RPC

The core JSON-RPC modules have no dependencies on bitcoinj or anything cryptocurrency-related.
