All Packages

Package Summary
Command-line tool and library for communicating with cryptocurrency daemons using JSON-RPC
Jackson JSON serializers, deserializers, modules, and utilities.
POJOs definitions for JSON objects
Objects for BitCore indexing as implemented in OmniCore.
API definition interface(s) for the JSON-RPC server
Bitcoin JSON-RPC Java client and supporting classes.
Support for reading RPC client connection info from `bitcoin.conf` file
Bitcoin JSON-RPC functional test support classes
Reusable Dependency-injected services for Bitcoin server applications and microservices.
Prototype JavaScript scripting support via (Standalone) Nashorn and ScriptEngineFactory (JSR 223)
Incubating support for signing wallets using immutable, record-like classes.
Miscellaneous utility classes for bitcoinj
Support for BIP-44 family HD Keychains, as a temporary solution until bitcoinj 0.17 is released.
Bitcoin currency provider for JavaMoney (JSR-354)
Ethereum JSON-RPC client (partial implementation)
JavaMoney (JSR-354) support for Cryptocurrency exchanges
Basic JSON-RPC Java client and supporting classes.
JSON-RPC Groovy dynamic client and supporting classes.
Namecoin JSON-RPC Client
Reactive enhancements for JSON-RPC clients using RxJava 3.
Reactive interface to ZeroMQ using JeroMQ library.